Monday, December 31, 2007
Special Event
Birth Through the Ages: Mothers of all ages are invited to attend this event presented by the Maine Association of Independent Doulas. This is a special night where mothers' young and old come together to tell their story and to bring birth of the past and present together. Held at the St. Joseph's Parish Hall in Ellsworth, 6:30 pm January 29th.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Belly Casting
Someone recently emailed me asking for information on how to do a belly casting. Since I took the time to write it all out, I thought I should post it here too!
The casting material is indeed the same that doctors use, and is available at medical supply stores, usually coming in rolls 4" wide by 5 yards. For just the belly usually three rolls will do, if they want to cast the breasts and/or arms and hands around the belly I'd go five to six rolls. Cut into strips of varying lengths...twelve to eighteen inches for the longest stretch across the belly, a bunch of six inch ones for smaller areas or for finishing, and a few three inch ones for the bellybutton and nipples if you want a detailed cast. Have these ready and set aside in their appropriate piles before starting.
Plaster sticks to hair and will hurt when drying and pulling off! Pubic hair, underarm hair, and every tiny little hair on mamas skin... a lot of folks use petroleum jelly to coat the skin and plastic wrap across the longer hairs... I use olive oil based salves applied *thickly*. Be sure this is done before getting started.
Cover the area she'll be in, as this gets does wash out of clothes (hand wash please before machine washing) and off the floor in warm water, but a few sheets are a good idea.
Make sure mama has a comfortable chair and position...she'll be sitting there for an hour most likely. Time for sculpting can be half an hour or more, and time for setting can also be half an hour or more. It's also a good idea that she has a bathroom break before being seated too. Have a glass of water or a sugar free lollipop for mama available during the process too... make sure the room is warm enough but not too warm (the cast will warm as it begins to harden, be sure mama is aware that this will happen), have gentle music sure mama is relaxed.
Some folks laying the cast like to wear latex or silicone gloves... I do not. I think bare hands provide a more soothing feel for both mama and the person laying the cast, and as I said, it washes off in warm water. ("get messy, get involved" is one of my mottos!)
If mama and space is ready, get a shallow basin filled with warm water. Run the strips of plaster through the water... I recommend left to right if right handed, right to left if left handed... with both hands. This wets it and also keeps it straight (so it won't stick to itself) Start at the bottom of the belly and work your way up. Overlap strips, and be sure to have at least two layers all around...also including some up and down and diagonal strips to reinforce. The more layers the sturdier the cast...but it also gets heavier for mama and takes more drying time. Too many layers can also blur the details of belly button, nipples and hands if included. Be smoothing the strips as you go..sculpting the plaster. When approaching the belly button and nipples, place one of the small squares over each of these areas and carefully mold them to the shape. The cast will begin the drying process in about ten minutes, so it will begin doing so at the bottom where you started before you get to the top.
After the last layer is applied, the cast will need to stay in place for another twenty to thirty minutes. You will be able to see it starting to separate from the body and mama will be able to tell you it's ready by how warm and heavy it's getting.
When the cast is ready to be removed, handle it very carefully. It will need to air dry for at least forty-eight hours. It will be hard to the touch, but until it has cured, it can sag under its own weight if not adequately supported.
After the cast is cured, you can smooth off any rough areas with a sanding screen or sandpaper, and leave plain or coat with a sealer called gesso (available at the hardware store) before you paint or decorate it :)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Barefoot Storyteller at The Inside Out Playground
December 26th: The Barefoot Storyteller celebrates the Grand Opening of the new Inside Out Playground, 5 Appleton Street Waterville! Storytime at 11am.
January 3rd & January 17th, 2008: The Barefoot Storyteller storytime 11am at the new Inside Out Playground, 5 Appleton Street Waterville! The first and third Thursday of every month at 11am will be storytime with the Barefoot Storyteller at The Inside Out Playground.
Coming Soon: Bi-monthly homeschooler book clubs at The Inside Out Playground.
barefoot storyteller,
inside out playground,
Friday, December 07, 2007
Natural Gift Giving

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Fund-raising event
The fund raising event that was to take place for the Spencer Family at the Buker Center in Augusta, on Monday December 3rd has been re-scheduled for next Monday, December 10th from 10am - 2pm at Sacred Heart Church on Summer St. in Hallowell. We will be having a used curriculum, homeschool business and more sale. Some of us will bringing toys to sell, books, curriculum and some of us will be sharing our businesses with you. Anyone wishing to donate to the Spencer's are welcome to deposit into a bucket and we will take it from there. Some folks will be donating a portion of their profits to the Spencers.
Directions are as follows...
From the Augusta end of Hallowell, pass down Rte. 201 through the downtown area, and take Temple St. on the right, which is just before the fish & produce market on the right. When you get to the end of that street ( it is very short), take a left onto Second St.. Almost immediately, take a right onto Chestnut St. Go over the railroad tracks and turn left onto Summer St. The church is the large white building on the right.
From the Gardiner end of Hallowell, as you pass up Rte 201, the first entrance to the boat landing will be on your right, you will see the produce place on the left, take a left onto Temple St. When you get to the end of that street ( it is very short), take a left onto Second St.. Almost immediately, take a right onto Chestnut St. Go over the railroad tracks and turn left onto Summer St. The church is the large white building on the right.
I'll be there, with stories to read to the children, and will also be taking orders for and selling from stock Barefoot Books, with 15% of the sales going to the Spencer Family. (if you can not make it but would still like to place a Barefoot Books order, please contact me and I will give the same 15% donation) Hope to see you there!
Peace, Dawnella
nurturing mother, child & planet
nurturing your child's imagination and http:/
nurturing mother, child & planet
nurturing your child's imagination and http:/
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Look for this sticker on books you buy from Mothers Moon/The Barefoot Storyteller (or elsewhere) as it means a tree has been planted to offset the publishing of the book. Learn more at:
Early December Barefoot Books Specials
On-line Special!! Free gift-wrapping on all orders placed before December 4th! Just click the "gift wrap" box upon check-out. And, all orders of $60 or more between now and December 15th will receive a free copy of "The Prince's Bedtime" .
Monday, November 19, 2007
Event reminder:
November 29th: Storytime & Fundraiser Event 11am at The Blessed Baby Boutique, 346 Main Street Wilton. On this day I will also be taking Barefoot Books orders as a fundraiser for the Western Maine Mothers Center. All orders placed that day or before at Blessed Baby Boutique will apply to the fundraiser, and the books should be available for pick-up at Blessed Baby on December 8th. The last Thursday of every month at 11am is storytime with the Barefoot Storyteller at The Blessed Baby Boutique.
another special event
On December 8th at 11am I will be giving a talk titled "Herbs in Pregnancy" at The Blessed Baby Boutique and Mothers Center, 346 Main St. Wilton. The talk will be about the use of herbs in tonics and remedies during pregnancy, to be followed by a question and answer period.
Peace, Dawnella
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Fundraising Goal Met!!
A great big Thank You goes out to everyone who contributed to my Barefoot Books fundrasier for the FUTURE MSAD 3 Capital Campaign for the Mount View School Performing Arts Center. They had set out a five year plan to raise $500,000 and in just seventeen months raised over $624,000!!! Way to go!!! I deeply belive music, dance, theater and art in it's many forms, is essential to feeding our souls... both personally as well as that of the community, and that becomes a very beautiful way of nurturing our children & our planet. I am very pleased to have been a part of this project in my community, and thrilled that they have reached their goal.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Twenty One Things To Recycle
Here's a handy listing of recycleables!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Top 20 things that are more dangerous to children than lead paint in toys
From Mike Adams:
The mainstream media is amusingly irrational when it comes toreporting scare stories. The latest example involves the leadcontent of Mattel toys made in China. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a third recall of Mattel toys involving over700,000 toys containing unacceptably high levels of lead paint(over .06 percent lead). Irrational parents are rushing back to retailers in droves, turning in their Mattel toys to "save their children" from the dangers of lead paint. Mattel, for its part, is being rightly blasted in the media for selling shoddy products made with toxic heavy metals. But here's the interesting part in all this: Parents directly poison their children every day with products far more dangerous than Mattel toys. Don't believe me? I'll name twenty things in this article that are far more dangerous to children than Mattel toys. It doesn't mean Mattel toys are safe, of course. They apparently do contain unacceptably high levels of lead, and there's no question about the toxicity of lead. But children don't eat toys nearly as often as they eat some other toxic substances given to them by their parents, and even as parents are herding back into retailers to refund their toxic lead-laden toys, they're returning home and poisoning their children with many other products that are far worse.The press, of course, reports nothing about these other toxic products. And why? Because they're made in America. American products poisoning American children. American products, you see, are often given blanket immunity by the U.S. press. While the media is happy to jump on toxic lead found in Chinese products, they completely ignore (for example) the toxic mercury that dentists continue to place into the mouths of young children all across the country. Why is it considered highly dangerous for a child to merely touch a toy with .06 percent lead paint while it is considered perfectly safe for a child to chew on a filling made with 40 percent mercury? Mercury is far more toxic than lead in many ways, yet the media has nothing to say about the mass poisoning of children through the outmoded dental work still being performed on children today. Mercury fillings were invented before the Civil War, and they're just as toxic now as they were then! Of course, if dental fillings were made in China, the U.S. press would be screaming about their toxicity! But since they're installed by crazed U.S. dentists -- many of whom still manage to seem convincingly sane -- there's zero coverage in the mainstream media. Reporting the truth about dangerous chemicals, heavy metals and other threats to children is extremely selective. The public never hears the real truth about what's dangerous -- they only hear what the media want them to think is dangerous! But I've had it with popular media distortions. Here, I'm going toreveal the top 20 things that are more dangerous to children than the lead paint in Mattel toys. Interestingly, most of these are things that parents intentionally give their children (or feed tothem!). If you're worried about lead paint, you should be far more worried about these 20 things...
1. Mercury fillings
Often called "silver fillings" to hide the fact that they're made from mercury, these highly toxic fillings areplaced directly into the mouths of children where they are inhaled(mercury vapor) and swallowed, causing systemic mercury poisoning tothe child and leading to long-term neurological damage. <> and watch the "Smoking Teeth = PoisonGas" video tolearn more.
2. Vaccines
Think vaccines are safe? You've been hoodwinked by the popular media parroting drug company propaganda. Vaccines are preserved with methyl mercury, one of the most dangerous chemical forms of the toxic heavy metal. This mercury is injected directly into the bodies of children where it causes severe neurological damage. And yes, it does cause Autism, despite what you've read in the dumbed-down press.
3. Hot dogs
Hot dogs are made with horrifying processed meat parts, then preserved with a cancer-causing ingredient called sodium nitrite. As detailed in the book Grocery Warning, this ingredient causes brain tumors in children, not to mention leukemia, pancreatic cancer,colon cancer and other cancers. Hot dogs are far more dangerous to a child's health than lead paint in my opinion, and yet parents keep feeding them to their children!
4. Antibacterial soap
How about a little nerve toxin in your soap? That's what's found in antibacterial soap. It's a toxic cocktail of chemicals designed to kill life. That's how it kills bacteria. The problem is that it also harms people -- especially infants and children who are trying to develop healthy nervous systems. Avoid all products claiming to be "antibacterial." You're better off using natural soap and letting your child's immune system fight off common bacteria. The world isn't sterile, after all. You can't turn your house into a germ-free bubble.
5. ADHD drugs
Would you give your child street drugs like speed or meth? Probably not, but what if your doctor wrote you a prescription for speed and said your child needed it because he was ADHD? If you're like most parents, you'd fall in step and start giving your child speed. But wait, you say: ADHD drugs are not speed, are they? But of course they are. They belong to a class of drugs called amphetamines. They used to be illegally sold as speed. Now they're prescription drugs, and they're given to children in schools all across America (and elsewhere). Psychiatrists and drug companies are making a killing dosing up kids and infants on substances that used to be considered illegal street drugs (and that have no legitimate medical use whatsoever)
6. Sports drinks
For some reason, parents irrationally believe sports drinks are healthy because they contain the word "sports." Didn't they notice the neon green artificial coloring? Sports drinks are a nutritional joke. Made from salt water,processed sweeteners and petrochemical coloring, many of their ingredients are actually harmful. Drinking water would be smarter,and feeding your child some healthy trace minerals would be even better. Low on potassium? Eat a banana.
7. Cough syrup and over-the-counter medicines
Nearly all children's over-the-counter medicines contain multiple toxic substances such as chemical sweeteners, preservatives and additives. Cough syrup, inparticular, has been scientifically proven to be absolutely worthless in preventing coughs. Many "children's" medicines are actually more toxic than their adult counterparts because they're sweetened up and cosmetically enhanced with artificial colors made from petrochemicals. Yet parents poison their children every day with over-the-counter medicine.
8. Sunscreen
The sunscreen industry is a huge scam. Most popular sunscreen products actually cause skin cancer due to the numerous toxic chemicals they contain (which are quickly absorbed into the skin where they cause DNA mutations that lead to cancer). Even worse, sunscreen blocks the UV radiation that allows the skin to manufacture all-important vitamin D -- the most powerful anti-cancer nutrient yet known to modern science. It prevents over a dozen different cancers, yet parents block it by slathering toxic sunscreen on their children, all while mistakenly believing they're "protecting their children from cancer!" What a scam.
9. Fluoride in the water
I've always found it amazing that city water officials were dumb enough to actually buy a toxic waste substance and arrange to have it dripped into the public water supply where it would be ingested by infants and children. The result? Mass fluorosis and toxicity to children everywhere. Didn't these people realize that fluoride only works topically? (That is,it only works if you rub it on your teeth, then spit it out, and even that only works if you're using natural fluoride, not the chemicals spit out as byproducts of the fertilizer industry, which is what city water departments are buying and dripping into the water supply.) Whoever heard of drinking a topical medication in the first place? It's like swallowing sunscreen to prevent sunburn. Even worse,putting this into the public water supply effectively mass medicates everyone with a bioactive chemical substance that no one has been given a prescription for. This is all done with no regard for the level of natural fluoride children might already be ingesting from other sources. The situation is so crazy that it's difficult to finda more insane example of medical tyranny than the mass fluoridation of public water supplies. The fact that doctors and dentists so vehemently support it demonstrates just how crazy they really are.
10. Processed milk
Children as young as 10 years old are now being diagnosed with heart disease and clogged arteries. Ever wonder how it happened? It's due in part to all the processed milk children are swallowing these days. Not only is the milk contaminated with pus, blood and detectable levels of pesticides and other chemicals, it's also homogenized, meaning the fats are artificially modified in a way that makes them stay in suspension. This homogenization also makes milk fats dangerous to cardiovascular health. While I support the consumption of raw, unprocessed milk, I think that consuming processed, homogenized milk is dangerous to the health of infants, children and adults alike!
11. Fast food
Fast food is extremely unhealthy for children. Not only are the foods often fried, homogenized, hydrogenated and otherwise altered, they're also laced with chemical additives, taste enhancers, processed sugars, petrochemical food coloring and other unhealthy substances. Strangely, many parents actually reward their children for good behavior by buying them unhealthy fast food meals,thereby creating a psychological association between good feelings and junk food. (Fast food restaurants further exploit this psychological link by building playgrounds and running feel-good advertisements that emphasize friends and fun, then link those goodvibes to their food products.)
12. Antidepressant drugs
Children as young as six months old are now being put on psychotropic drugs such as SSRIs (antidepressants). These drugs, we now know, cause suicidal thoughts and violent behavior, especially in young boys. They imbalance brain chemistry and even alter the body's metabolism of sugar, promoting diabetes and leading to rapid weight gain. These drugs are so dangerous that feeding them to children should be considered a crime. Every single school shooting involving a child in the United States in the last 15 years has been linked to antidepressant drug use.
13. Chemical laundry detergents
Parents are shown fancy ads on television depicting how wonderful and clean their clothes will beif they wash them in brand-name laundry detergent. What they're not shown, however, is the toxicity of all the synthetic chemicals that go into most laundry detergent products. The fragrance chemicals alone are often carcinogenic, and they're just as bad for the environment as they are children's health. A new alternative has appeared, however: Soap berries! It's laundry soap that grows ontrees. (see
14. Flame retardant chemicals
Did you know that new mattresses for infants and children are often sprayed with extremely toxic flameretardant chemicals? These are easily absorbed through the skin of infants and children where they contribute to numerous neurological disorders and immune suppression. Many clothing products are also sprayed with flame retardants, as are some carpeting products. In the push to make everything fireproof, state regulators (who have mandated the flame retardant chemicals in states like California)have created a toxic environment for everyone. I suppose if you're a politician, it's always better for a million people to die of a mysterious disease that can't be linked to you than to have one baby burning up on the evening news with fingers of blame pointed directly at you.
15. Soda
Aside from directly promoting diabetes and obesity, sodas also contain high amounts of phosphoric acid, a substance that dissolves bones and causes a loss of bone mineral density. This causes massive tooth decay as well as a shrinking jaw bone and overall skeletal fragility. Diet sodas are even worse, since they contain chemical sweeteners linked to neurological disorders and learning disabilities.
16. Air fresheners
Air fresheners contain cancer-causing chemicals. Unleashing them in the house exposes children to these chemicals,promoting asthma and other respiratory problems. If you value the health of your children, avoid air freshener products and just use essential oils or citrus peels instead. (Peel an orange and hang the peel in your kitchen.)
17. Synthetic vitamins
Many children's vitamins are made with cheap,synthetic "vitamin" chemicals that actually harm people who take them. Plus, many are loaded up with artificial colors, sucrose and chemical sweeteners. Avoid cheap, store-bought children's vitamins or anything containing cyanocobalamin (a toxic form of vitamin B12).
18. Dryer sheets
Most popular dryer sheets and fabric softeners are made with toxic synthetic chemicals that are not safe to use on children's clothing. The fragrance chemicals alone are often highly carcinogenic, and the other chemicals contribute additional toxicity to the clothing. Children's clothes should never be washed or dried in chemicals. Only use natural detergents and fabric softeners, or avoid the fabric softeners altogether.
19. Bacon
Most bacon and sausage are processed meat products made with sodium nitrite (like the hot dogs, above) and contaminated with various chemicals lodged in the animal fats. Conventionally-raised beef, pork and chicken products are extremely toxic to the human body and contribute to colon cancer, breast cancer,prostate cancer and many other diseases and disorders. If you make meat for your children, shop for 100% organic, free-range,antibiotic-free meats that have no nitrites or nitrates.
20. Shampoo and bath products
Virtually all popular shampoo and bath products sold on the market contain cancer-causing chemicals. The ingredients read like a top-40 list of toxic chemicals. Virtually none of these chemicals have ever been tested or approved for use on humans (they are simply ignored because the FDA astonishingly believes the skin won't absorb chemicals).
So that's the list of 20 items that are more dangerous to the health of children than the lead paint in Mattel toys. Most parents have no concern whatsoever for any of these 20 things, but they're going ape-shoot-crazy over the tiny amounts of lead in their Barbie toys and Elmo stuffed animals. It all just goes to show you that the sheeple will think anything the mainstream media tells them to think (and they'll ignore everything else). It's classic American contradiction: Returning a Mattel toy at the local toy store while taking your child to a dentist to have mercury implanted in the cavities caused by all the soda the kid consumed at home. If it all weren't so downright tragic, it would almost be funny. - Mike Adams
About the author: Mike Adams is a consumer health advocate with a passion for teaching people how to improve their health. He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews,reports and consumer guides, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. Adams is an independent journalist with strong ethics who does not get paid to write articles about any product or company. In 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a manufacturer of mercury-free, energy-efficient LED lighting products that save electricity and help prevent global warming. He also launched an online retailer of environmentally-friendly products ( and uses a portion of its profits to help fund non-profit endeavors. He's also a veteran of the software technology industry, having founded a personalized mass email software product used to deliver email newsletters to subscribers. Adams is currently the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit, and practices nature photography, Capoeira, Pilates and organic gardening. Known on the 'net as 'the Health Ranger,' Adams shares his ethics, mission statements and personal health statistics at
Barefoot Books Special Offer
This one is a good one... an on-line only special... just place an order for $30 or more through my personal Barefoot Books web-link between now and October 31st, and receive a free copy of Storytime!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Whole World
Hey, it's been a while since I "blogged" anything!!
I'm going to be doing a bunch of events around the "Friends of Live Earth" bash on July's my book reading et cetera schedule, and if you click on the Whole World highlighted link thingy in the subject here, (or on the highlighted "heres" in each paragraph below) you'll find more links to learn more about the whole shindig!
June 23rd: Flye Point Music Fest,Brooklin Mothers Moon will not have a booth this year, but The Barefoot Storyteller will be found "roving" the grounds, and perhaps under an umbrella or at the Bay School tent...special reading of the Barefoot Book "The Whole World" by Fred Penner. Please read more here
June 28th: Mothers Moon/The Barefoot Storyteller storytime 11am at The Blessed Baby Boutique, 346 Main Street Wilton. Special reading of the Barefoot Book "The Whole World" by Fred Penner, with green activities for kids to follow. Please read more here You will also have a chance to orders books on that day, available to be picked up there at Blessed Baby. The last Thursday of every month at 11am is storytime with the Barefoot Storyteller at The Blessed Baby Boutique,Wilton
July 5th: Mothers Moon/The Barefoot Storyteller storytime 1:30pm at the Waterville Public Library 73 Elm Street, Waterville. Special reading of the Barefoot Book "The Whole World" by Fred Penner, with green activities for kids to follow. Please read more here The first Thursday of every month at 1:30pm is storytime with the Barefoot Storyteller at the Waterville Public Library
July 7th: Green Earth, Green Future Go Green, go Barefoot with a special reading of "The Whole World" by Fred Penner, green activities for kids and adults, Barefoot Books on sale, and special opportunites to donate to earth-wise causes. Back Door to the Moon 24 Lithgow Street, Winslow. This is a "Friends of Live Earth" Event. Please read more here
July 28th: WERU's Full Circle Fair, Blue Hill Mothers Moon will not have a booth this year, but The Barefoot Storyteller will be found "roving" the grounds, and in the Children's Area from time to time. Activities to include a special reading of the Barefoot Book "The Whole World" by Fred Penner, with green activities for kids to follow, including a "Go Green" Parade. This is a "Friends of Live Earth" Event. Please read more here (a schedule will be posted in the Children's Area that day)
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