Safer Chemicals,HealthyFamlies (a nationwide effort to pass smart federal policy to protect us from toxic chemicals) has joined forces with
Seventh Generation to present a virtual rally in which cyber babies descend on Washington, D.C. to make a stink about all the
toxic chemicals invading their bodies.
Go to and search for my baby,
MMoon, to support it. You can also create your very own crawler, watch videos of babies pontificating atop soap-boxes, and spread the word. Seventh Generation wants to attract a million or more crawlers to dramatize the wide public support for overhauling the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Every crawler represents a virtual signature on a petition, which will be delivered to Washington, D.C. in January, 2010.
Seventh Generation is providing a great boost to the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition, using its creative marketing know-how to capture the attention of Congress at a key moment in our campaign. So join the Crawl. It promises to be a real bawl.